My Ultimate Travel Destination Wish List

Saturday, 10 January 2015

There are hundreds of beautiful places on the earth, wouldn't it be amazing if you could visit them all! I always see such amazing photos of landscapes and cities on instagram and around the internet, I often find myself dreaming of when I could visit them! (Hot places being top on the list, England isn't great for sunshine!) So I thought I'd make a post showing you guys some of the top destinations and natural phenomenon's I hope to one day visit! enjoy! 

Lake Hillier, Middle Island Australia

photo from here

Who wouldn't want to visit a pink lake!? 

El Matador Beach, Los Angeles

photo's from here and here
Purely because of that sunset….

Iceland Northern Lights

photo from here

It may not be the warmest place on earth! But I think seeing the lights would definitely be worth bearing the cold!


Photo from here 

Venice just looks like such a beautiful place to visit. I'd love to go when the film festival was on (just to spot some celebs) , or the venice carnival, as it looks stunning!  

Split Pinnacle, Hunan China 

photo from here

I always see these in films and just sit in awe in front of my television screen! 


photo's from here and here

Along with the fact the beaches look absolutely stunning, I'd also quite like to ride and elephant!

I hope you enjoyed this post as it's something a bit different! I'd love to know where you guys would love to visit! Let me know! 

Olivia Grace x


  1. love this post! every place looks so beautiful. I would love to travel around the world!


    1. Thank you! And yes me to it would be amazing! x

  2. Wow, Venice!! It's on my wishlist too, along with a few other cities in Italy. If I'd be allowed to share, I'd like to visit the Mayan ruins in Guatemala, Palau, Barcelona in Spain and Prague in Czech Republic :)

    Found you in one of the fashion blogs I frequent and thought I'd give you a visit. Would you like to connect via GFC or other social networks? Let me know if that is something that is of interest to you :)


    1. They sound incredible too! I have been to Prague and it is a beautiful place! I just checked out your blog and it's amazing! love your recent post on balancing work and blogging! And yes I'll follow you on instagram and google now! x


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